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The National LandCare Programme is a government supported initiative, implemented throughout the country. It is a community-based programme that seeks to:

  • conserve our resources
  • use them in a sustainable way
  • create a conservation ethic through education and awareness
  • create jobs and address poverty by launching various natural resource rehabilitation, improvement and conservation projects

Serious concerns about land and water degradation, which impact on sustainable resource use, are identified in each province, and specific projects address these issues. Projects are implemented in all nine provinces through the Landcare Conditional Grant whereby ringed-fenced funding is transferred to provinces in terms of the yearly Division of Revenue Act. Provinces then undertake the implementation of the projects under set conditions.

WaterCare, VeldCare, SoilCare, JuniorCare and Conservation Agriculture initiatives are all part of this programme.


In the Agricultural Policy Action Plan (APAP), scaling up the LandCare programme was seen as a “policy lever” in the country’s promotion of Climate-Smart Agriculture.


Why is LandCare important?

  • You and everyone else, rely on the land for food, shelter and an income.
  • Land is valuable and should be looked after – otherwise we will not be able to use it in the future.
  • If we degrade and misuse the land, our quality of life will deteriorate.
  • If we do not look after the land, we will pay a high price for the damage it suffers.

LandCare is about:

  • redressing past resource degradation
  • correct resource management
  • communities working together
  • caring for the land in your area
  • your future quality of life
  • improving the environment
  • securing food for tomorrow

What can you do?

  • form or join a land care group in your community and get involved
  • plan and manage land to prevent degradation
  • restore damaged areas
  • promote conservation practices
  • form a land care conservancy (see “Conservancies and farming” page)
  • recycle and re-use paper, glass, plastic and metal

Read about the related Working for Land (WfL) project run by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) at


WaterCare works in partnership with the community to develop action plans for Invasive alien species (IAS) control, rehabilitation of wetlands, water harvesting techniques, and efficient irrigation systems. Furthermore, WaterCare promotes the development of techniques for water-resource management and encourages opportunities for training in this field.


VeldCare promotes best grazing-systems and erosion-prevention practices to improve production. It develops and maintains agricultural activities in accordance with the principles of IAS control and veld restoration.


SoilCare encourages rural farmers to build innovative structures (gabions, vetiver grasses, contours and waterways) to combat soil erosion. Also addressed is the depletion of soil fertility and low soil acidity which severely limits production potential. Conservation agriculture (CA – see separate page) is encouraged under SoilCare.


The objectives of Junior LandCare are to empower previously disadvantaged youth through training in facilitation and leadership skills. This includes the promotion of food security at home and at schools, awareness of sustainable agriculture, and stimulating the formation of youth clubs and projects that aim to promote other components of LandCare.

National strategy and government contact

LandCare is part of the government’s Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). Take a look at

  • Visit , website of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD).  The responsible directorate is the Directorate: Land Use and Soil Management.
  • Read about the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)  LandCare facilitation AgriSETA training at
  • Read about the related Working for Land (WfL) project run by the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries at
Want to form a LandCare group? Before you apply, please contact the local LandCare Manager or facilitator for assistance (contact details above). If you are successful, you will be asked to sign a programme management agreement. This agreement sets out the conditions for funding, including your responsibility to keep proper accounting records for the spending of funds from grants, and reporting requirements on the progress and results of your programme.
Sources: the LUSM head office, Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD);, [now defunct webpage].

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