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Craft Brewing

Introduction Bosheuvel Estate, Hillcrest Estate, De Vry Distillery are some of several farming operations that include craft brewing on the sidelines. Alongside Pinzgauer stud cattle, sorghum fields, vineyards and dairy, craft brewing is an additional revenue stream and attraction. We provide the reader with a short overview of this sector. As usual, we list sources and role […]


Introduction The “Adding value” section of the Agribook website (of which this page is a part) deals with, well, adding value to the primary agricultural product. This finished product is what the consumer wants and pays money for. Because of this, farmers are often advised to be more involved in the activities that happen beyond […]

Tourism and agriculture

Tourism and farm stays in South Africa

Introduction Establishing accommodation on your farm to encourage getaways or tourism can be a second revenue stream. It also communicates the farmer’s story to the public. Rural tourism is a concept which covers tourist activity devised and managed by local people, and based on the strengths of the natural and human environment. Ecotourism is about travelling to […]

Wood, pulp and paper

Wood, pulp, paper in South Africa

This page looks at what happens downstream of the plantations: sawmilling, furniture making, paper and pulp production etc.   TIMBER PROCESSING Fibre Sawmilling Treated poles Charcoal Pulp milling Wood chip Fibre board From which come: (i) paper & paper products (ii) wood products Mining timber Sawn lumber From which come: (i) wood products (ii) wood […]


Introduction Information on hunting (regulations, procedures etc) can be found at and In the latter half of the twentieth century a new model for management of game on private land developed in South Africa. Fundamental to this model were the issues of private ownership of game animals and adequate fencing required to keep animals in the […]

Dairy processing

Introduction “Milk producers” are milk farmers. “Milk processors” buy milk from producers and process it for the retail market. Some role players, of course, are both and are termed producer-distributors in the annual Lacto data publication by the Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO). The reader will find some of these listed under the “Companies involved” heading. In order to […]


Introduction Bread is the second most important supplier of energy (kilojoules) in the South African diet after maize products. Apart from bread, bakers also produce other products like biscuits, pies and pizzas. Local business environment South Africa manufactured 3 191 543 tons of wheaten products in the months October 2022 – August 2023. SA imported […]

Abattoirs and the meat industry

Introduction Natural progression from live animal to carcass to meat: Animals are transported, offloaded and kept for slaughter in a manner that does not involve unnecessary pain. Clean water is provided continuously. Depending on the time they have to wait for slaughtering, food, in accordance with their needs, is provided. The animals are handled in […]

Small and micro milling

small and micro milling in South Africa

Introduction The small and micro milling category is defined as milling which has a capacity of up to 5 tons per hour (micro) and 1 ton per hour (small). There are growth opportunities within the milling industry, both locally and in relation to exports to neighbouring SADC countries. Due to relatively low start up and […]


milling in South Africa

Introduction Milling is the agro-processing end of the grain industry. Milling grain involves breaking the grain open so that the bran and endosperm are separated, and then processed for further uses. White maize and wheat flour milling are the core business in milling, while associated business are baking, pasta, wet milling (see next heading), animal […]